Tribute from Bruce Fletcher.

Created by Pippa 2 years ago
So incredibly sad to hear this news. I do not know Mark as well as many in this group, but the time I have spent with him has had an indelible impact on me. In an environment that often-celebrated aggressive masculinity to cover standard teenage insecurities, Mark was one of the few that always seemed to have an inner confidence that allowed him to conduct himself with dignity and genuine compassion.
I meet Mark the night before he, Dave Jones and I were embarking on a 3-day hiking adventure across the Matopos, from Diana’s Pools to Gordon Park. Being a late bloomer, I was a singularly unimpressive specimen whose lack physical prowess was matched only by a dearth of any real mental fortitude.
This being the case I am sure it will surprise you to hear that I brought to the whole endeavour a stunning level of arrogance that led to a view that the hike was going to be nothing more than an extended afternoon stroll.
As if to prove my disdain for the challenge I started the hike in a brand-new pair of vellies with not a sock in sight! Needless to say, I was walking barefoot over granite kopjies by lunchtime.

Through the next three days and 70 km (it is not supposed to be that far but it turns out Dave can’t read a map) I was a consistent drag on the group as a griped and grumbled my way through one of the most spectacular national parks on the planet. By lunch on day two Dave was understandably frustrated with me, a sentiment he had no issue expressing.
Mark however, despite having only just meet me, was calm, supportive, considered, and compassionate throughout. Rather than express frustration he was full of encouragement. He engaged me in conversations about my interests to keep me distracted and, no doubt, stem the constant flow of blister related lamenting. I knew exactly what he was doing, but I appreciated it none the less. I have often looked back and marvelled at the level of maturity and consideration he showed at such a young age.
I am not sure whether Marks inherent demeanour is something that can be taught, but in the hope that it is I have often referenced him when trying to provide my own children with an example of how interact with the world.
Pippa, you have had to endure more than your share of tragedy through the years, and I am so sorry that you have another ordeal to face. Whatever the outcome I hope it provides even the smallest amount of solace to know that I am certain that Mark has already had an incredibly positive impact on many lives, often when he did not even realise it.

Found the photo below...all bright eyed and bushy tailed about to head off.
